Information in English

The local trade union board
The Norwegian Association of Researchers’ (NAR) local trade union board at the University of South-Eastern Norway (USN) is one of 270 local trade union boards in Norway (you can read more about NAR here). We have members at all eight campuses, altogether more than 650 of the 1,900 employees are members of NAR, making it the largest trade union at USN. The local trade union is led by Ansgar Ødegård.

NAR’s local trade union board consists of 11 members. Some have dedicated tasks, such as being the representative on a campus, for a faculty or an administrative and technical department. NAR’s union representatives participate in meetings with USN’s leadership team to receive information, discuss and negotiate, in accordance with USN’s policies. Moreover, the union representatives assist members in many more ways, such as wage negotiations.

Get in touch with your representative if you need assistance from your trade union!

Our Facebook page: Forskerforbundet, USN

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