Extreme weather leads to needs in the municipalities
According to Norway’s Water Resources and Energy Directorate, there are more than 60 municipalities in need of flood and avalanche safety infrastructure. Climate change has led to extreme amounts of rainfall and changes in the landscape. Master’s student Janina Sánchez Cárdenas has described this in her master’s thesis on landscape architecture. The task has generated great interest among others from the Norwegian Mapping Authority, which is a partner in the H-SEIF project.
The Mapping Authority, for its part, has a main objective to ensure that map and property information is updated as a basis for value creation, planning and development. In addition, through the Geodata Act, the Swedish Mapping Authority has been given the role of national geodata coordinator. They must coordinate the work with the country’s infrastructure for geographic information, contribute to the sharing of data and that there is good access to public geodata for public and private purposes.
*Geodata – geographical information